those seeking a travel destination within Africa and are considering South Africa,
here are a few things we feel you should know:
10. KwaZulu-Natal
province inspired one of the world's best-selling albums

Paul Simon
introduced the world to isicathamiya music, a form of Zulu a cappella, when he
teamed up with Ladysmith Black Mambazo for his album "Graceland."
Named after the KwaZulu-Natal town they come from, Ladysmith Black Mambazo is but one of hundreds of similar groups that can be seen and heard performing regularly at shows that resemble sporting competitions.
9. Hippos eat lawns in downtown St. Lucia
The town of St.
Lucia sits in the middle of iSimangaliso Wetland Park, a subtropical estuary
that's part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Chances of getting mugged or
hijacked are virtually nil, but chances of meeting a hippo while walking to
dinner are high.
The estuary
contains one of the largest concentrations of hippos in the world.
8. Cape Point isn't
the southernmost tip of Africa
It's a common
misconception among tourists who trek to the Cape of Good Hope and climb the
steps to the lighthouse to assume there's no land between them and Antarctica.
It certainly looks
that way from this magnificent viewpoint.
Except for the
inconvenient fact that those truly wishing to be at the bottom of Africa have
to travel about another 170 kilometers southeast to the rocky outcrop at Cape
One more myth to
bust: The Indian and Atlantic oceans don't meet at Cape Point, they meet at
Cape Agulhas.
7. There's 'summer'
In fact, there's downhill skiing in two countries in southern Africa: South Africa and neighbouring Lesotho.
6. One street, two Nobel Peace Prize winners
Before the arrival
of democracy in South Africa, Vilakazi Street looked like any other nondescript
dusty street full of matchbox houses in Soweto, near Johannesburg.
But for decades it
has been different from its neighbors; it has been and remains a place of
pilgrimage as the only street in the world that has been home to two Nobel
Peace Prize winners.
Former South
African President Nelson Mandela and former Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu
lived a few doors from each other on Vilakazi Street.
Tutu and his wife,
Leah, still live there.
Mandela's house is
now a National Historical site and open to the public as a museum.
Vilakazi Street is
no longer dusty. The gravel has been replaced by pavement and brick sidewalks
and the new neighbors include restaurants, bars and local craft sellers.
5. There's a space shuttle emergency landing strip in the Kalahari Desert
It has a population
of just around 75,000 and most South Africans have never been there, but it
bills itself as the capital of the Green Kalahari, a setting similar to Cairo
on the Nile.
At 4.9 kilometers,
the local airport runway is one of the longest in the world and was designated
an emergency landing area for the space shuttle should it have had to make an
unscheduled landing in southern Africa.
Upington Airport is
also the final resting place for numerous commercial aircraft; the dry air helps
preserve them in case they are ever called into service again.
The Orange River,
South Africa's largest, winds through the city, creating a greenbelt that only
just manages to keep the Kalahari Desert at bay.
4. Once you remove the quills, porcupine skin is delicious
But C. Louis
Leipoldt, a sort of Renaissance man from the early 20th century, made it one of
his lifelong pursuits.
The smallest
villages in the Western Cape still try to whip up some of his more famous
recipes when the ingredients are available.
Porcupine crackling
is one of them.
From his Cape
Cookery book, Leipoldt's preparation instructions call for plunging the animal
into boiling water, scraping off the quills and hairs, scrubbing the skin until
it's perfectly smooth and white and then discarding the meat, which, he says,
isn't very nice to eat.
3. It's the site of
Britain's most shocking military defeat
Lord Chelmsford thought the barefoot, spear-wielding Zulu forces he was about
to attack in what is today the central part of KwaZulu-Natal province would be
a walkover.
What he didn't
count on was the technique used by the Zulu troops under King Cetshwayo.
In a formation
representing the horns and chest of a buffalo, and using short, thrusting
spears, the Zulus overwhelmed the British; more than 1,300 of the 1,800 troops
the British brought into battle were dead at the end of the day.
The battle is
re-enacted regularly and the site at Isandlwana is well maintained with
accommodations nearby.
2. SKA isn't music,
it's a telescope
Ska is the roots of
reggae music that began in Jamaica.
SKA is the Square
Kilometre Array, a giant radio telescope being built in the Karoo, a large,
semi-desert that fills much of the south-western part of the country.
The Karoo is
located in one of the most remote corners of South Africa. The place is
extremely quiet and there's no artificial light nearby.
The SKA telescope
will one day look into the universe and collect data 10,000 times faster than
has ever been done before.
Covering a square
kilometer, the infrastructure won't be completed for another decade.
It's hoped that
this multinational megaproject will help us understand where the universe has
come from as well as where it's going.
1. You can have a
drink inside a tree
Also known as cream
of tartar trees, monkey-bread trees and upside-down trees, kids know them from
the "Madagascar" films.
The pulp from the
tree contains citric and tartaric acids used as common baking ingredients.
The seeds can be
roasted and turned into oil and the fruit is used to make a lemonade-type
Limpopo province is
home to a hauntingly beautiful forest of the trees near the border of Zimbabwe.
The tree that locals claim is the largest baobab in the world is in nearby
Standing at 22
meters high and 47 meters in diameter, the center is hollow and has been turned
into a bar.
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