He’s also been charged with driving on an expired license and for resisting arrest without violence. Yikes! TMZ also has a video from the scene.
It looks like Justin was leaving a club and driving in a yellow Lamborghini at the time of his arrest — in a residential neighborhood where people with Justin had blocked off the street so he could race. There are so many people we want to wag our fingers at right now. But hey, if you’re going to get arrested for drag racing, you might as well do it in a Lambo, right?
The Miami Beach PD Twitter adds that Justin’s pal, Khalil, was also arrested. Let the events of the last week be a lesson to us all: hang out with Justin, expect to end your night in The Big House.
Justin’s been taking a much needed vacay this week after dealing with all the legal drama that comes with, you know, having your house searched by police and watching one of your BFFs get arrested for drug possession.
First, he stopped over in Colorado for a little snowboarding and some unsolicited snow art, and now he’s spending a few days relaxing in Miami the only way he knows how: by dropping $75,000 at a strip club in one night.
If Justin’s really been arrested this time, we hope it’s the wake-up call he and his entourage need to finally get our boy in line… especially if his rumored drug addiction is more than just a rumor. Selena Gomez, wherever you are out there in this crazy world, please heed our advice and just keep on walking.
READ MORE: http://news.naij.com/57428.htmlREAD MORE: http://news.naij.com/57428.html
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